We currently have options from three litters on the ground, the first and third of which are the same pairing. 

Bignanigans x Sistuh bigbone (the sequel)

Born Oct 20.

Homing just before Xmas 

Accepting deposits NOW !


2. Olympic Road dogs: "Bogan" x "Sticky"

 This will definitely be the last chance for a Bogan pup, which is a good bet for those who want a low dog aggression family guardian.  We know what we get ( you can meet multiple adult examples of those I've kept if you visit )   And ultimately all the long term keepers we're out of Sticky..... I shouldn't need to say more.  

(One male pup available)

Born 8/19/24

Starting to leave weekend of October 19/20

5 males

2 females

Taking deposits now.

3. Olympic "Farm/Ranch" dogs: Bignanigans x BigBone 

Born 5/1/24

( scroll to last video to see remaining female pup from this litter )


Scroll down to see and learn more about recent litters, and available pups. 

  1. Bignanigans x Sistuh Bigbone

  Born Oct 20, 2024

Homing mid to late December

Having just done this, and kept a few around, I can speak to temperament now.  

  I was frankly amazed given the Kangal, CAS, and Malakli amounts to a total 43.75%  of the mix, which is basically Livestock Guardian, that the pups were AMAZINGLY sticky, people centric, not really very independent at all.   Which I suppose goes to show, no matter the percentages, this is not math, some traits prevail by their own rules.... by nature's rules.

  What I can say about this combination is that they are remarkably Boerboel like in their behavior.    And that those pups I raised around chickens, in a timely manner, don't go after chickens.   But those same pups, that I failed to introduce to my goats at an appropriate age.... don't relate to them as I would like.

  Which is one reason I'm not terribly dissapointed about running this breeding back.  I want to correct that mistake, introduce my "keepers" to the goats at an appropriate age, to evaluate their potential better in that regard.    I also want to hang onto a male this time, since parted with my male "keeper" from the pairing.

  Although I had both genders around long enough to say there is really very little independence on display.   Which is, at the end of the day, what we want;  a low prey drive guardian, but more biddable, and less independent than a pure LGD.  I am fairly confident, having done this once, that is what we are getting.


Pups are:

43.75%     South African Boerboel

18.75%      Turkish Kangal  

12.5%        Turkish Malakli

12.5%         Central Asian Shepherd

 6.25%        Dogo Argentino

 6.25%        Dane

Sire: Bignanigans

25% Turkish Kangal

25% Boerboel

25% Turkish Malakli

25% Alabai ( Central Asian Shepherd )

Dam: Sistuh Bigbone 

62.5% Boerboel

12.5% Kangal

12.5% Dogo

12.5%  Dane

2.  Bogan x Sticky

Born August 19th 2024

Homing Late October

( One male pup availaible) 

5 males

2 females

 We have bred Bogan ( Midguard mastiff ) to all my Roaddog females multiple times, over the last few years, and I've initially kept pups from every litter.  But the ones that ultimately made the cut were out of Sticky..... There's nothing I might say that should mean more to you.   Other then perhaps that this will definitely be the last chance to get a Bogan pup, as I have more keepers then I need from him, and he has made himself genetically redundant.... as any good stud dog should.

Pups are:

31.25%  Boerboel

26 %       Dane

13.25%   Neapolitan Mastiff

7.25%     American Bulldog

6.25%     Turkish Kangal 

6.25%      Dogo Argentino

3.5%         APBT

3.5%         Bull Mastiff

2.25%        Dogue De Bordeaux

3. Bignanigans x Sistuh BigBone

 One pick female available..... 

but I can't decide which....... Blue or  fawn with black mask.... I'm back and forth... you might make the decision for me... I should not keep both.

scroll down to see most recent video

Born: 5/1/24

3 males

3 females

Homing first week in July

It's been a long time since we produced anything we could consider an "Olympic Farm/Ranch dog", but this is close enough to wear that moniker.  I didn't announce earler because I wasn't sure it happened, I gave them very little time together, but it seems Bignanigans got it done.  And so I'm just now announcing it a full week after they were born.

  It's not a pure livestock guarding cross, as there is a pinch of prey drive in there in the Dogo/Dane, but I believe the abundance of LGD proper and lower prey drive of the Boerboel, will produce a dog good enough with stock if conditioned early.

Pups are:

43.75%     South African Boerboel

18.75%      Turkish Kangal  

12.5%        Turkish Malakli

12.5%         Central Asian Shepherd

 6.25%        Dogo Argentino

 6.25%        Dane